On the 4th of September 2022, 15 teams attended a tournament in honour of Lyn Elvin who sadly passed away after a long illness in 2019. Lyn was very involved with netball being a player, umpire and Norfolk Committee volunteer.
Many teams entered from places as far as Salisbury, Colchester and Fiji and had a fun day packed with netball. Hustlers we’re awarded as the cup winners and Tru7 Hawks as the plate winners. Hustlers ladies were serving army personnel and friends with Lyn and Sophie Pike from their SunSport weekend trips to Spain.
We were joined by Lyns mum, dad, husband, sister and Lyns daughter Lois. Our thanks extend to organiser Shelley James for putting together a great day!
Many teams entered from places as far as Salisbury, Colchester and Fiji and had a fun day packed with netball. Hustlers we’re awarded as the cup winners and Tru7 Hawks as the plate winners. Hustlers ladies were serving army personnel and friends with Lyn and Sophie Pike from their SunSport weekend trips to Spain.
We were joined by Lyns mum, dad, husband, sister and Lyns daughter Lois. Our thanks extend to organiser Shelley James for putting together a great day!