AGM 2012 Survey
Q1. Does your team look at the Lowestoft Netball League website? If so how often?
A. Out of 14 replies, 11 said YES and 3 said NO. Most looked at the site either weekly or monthly and those that didn't had no reason to or no internet connection.
Q2. How could we make the website better?
A. The only suggestion put forward was to add Player of the Match.
Committee - We will discuss adding this but it would take away the element of surprise at the presentation evening.
Q3. Does your team get enough information from the Committee?
A. 2 teams replied NO.
Committee - All information is sent to team secretary's and also posted onto our website. Please check the website regularly and ensure your team secretary is passing on all information.
Q4. Are you happy with how the league is run?
A. Only 1 team said NO, but had no further comments.
Q5. Comments & suggestions -
Need for more umpires as it is difficult playing and umpiring on the same evening. Could Lowestoft run its own umpiring course to encourage more to get involved?
Committee - We have previously put on umpiring courses but it takes time and resources to organise. We would also need to pay the tutors travel costs along with supplying a room and indoor court. Courses are held in Norwich as a central point for all of Norfolk and we feel this is not too far for people to travel to. We will look at organising a "have a go" session to try and encourage more players to take up umpiring.
Start matches on time.
Committee - This is even more important now that we are playing 4 qtrs, but is not always possible due to our location - between a bridge and a railway station. We ask that all teams and umpires are understanding of this.
There should not be 2 trainee umpires on one game, one should be more experienced.
Committee - We always try to have an experienced umpire with a trainee but on rare occasions there have not been enough umpires available for various reasons. At these times the Umpire Secretary has deemed that the trainees are experienced enough to control a game, but we will try and ensure this does not happen.
Attitude & behaviour of players to each other & other teams should be addressed.
Committee - The committee has not received any complaints from teams regarding issues of attitude or behaviour. The Code of Conduct is now part of the League Rules and all teams will abide by these or could face being disqualified from the league. Complaints can be submitted in writing to [email protected]
Fining teams rather than deducting points for certain infringements as you are penalising a whole team for some individual player's errors or misconduct.
Committee - All teams are expected to ensure their players abide by the League Rules and remove a player from playing if necessary. The league has previously fined teams but found this was resource hungry and some teams did not pay.
The last couple of years the league has been run with enthusiasm and efficiency. Every week the netball has flowed nicely with no noticeable problems.
Committee - THANK YOU :-)
A. Out of 14 replies, 11 said YES and 3 said NO. Most looked at the site either weekly or monthly and those that didn't had no reason to or no internet connection.
Q2. How could we make the website better?
A. The only suggestion put forward was to add Player of the Match.
Committee - We will discuss adding this but it would take away the element of surprise at the presentation evening.
Q3. Does your team get enough information from the Committee?
A. 2 teams replied NO.
Committee - All information is sent to team secretary's and also posted onto our website. Please check the website regularly and ensure your team secretary is passing on all information.
Q4. Are you happy with how the league is run?
A. Only 1 team said NO, but had no further comments.
Q5. Comments & suggestions -
Need for more umpires as it is difficult playing and umpiring on the same evening. Could Lowestoft run its own umpiring course to encourage more to get involved?
Committee - We have previously put on umpiring courses but it takes time and resources to organise. We would also need to pay the tutors travel costs along with supplying a room and indoor court. Courses are held in Norwich as a central point for all of Norfolk and we feel this is not too far for people to travel to. We will look at organising a "have a go" session to try and encourage more players to take up umpiring.
Start matches on time.
Committee - This is even more important now that we are playing 4 qtrs, but is not always possible due to our location - between a bridge and a railway station. We ask that all teams and umpires are understanding of this.
There should not be 2 trainee umpires on one game, one should be more experienced.
Committee - We always try to have an experienced umpire with a trainee but on rare occasions there have not been enough umpires available for various reasons. At these times the Umpire Secretary has deemed that the trainees are experienced enough to control a game, but we will try and ensure this does not happen.
Attitude & behaviour of players to each other & other teams should be addressed.
Committee - The committee has not received any complaints from teams regarding issues of attitude or behaviour. The Code of Conduct is now part of the League Rules and all teams will abide by these or could face being disqualified from the league. Complaints can be submitted in writing to [email protected]
Fining teams rather than deducting points for certain infringements as you are penalising a whole team for some individual player's errors or misconduct.
Committee - All teams are expected to ensure their players abide by the League Rules and remove a player from playing if necessary. The league has previously fined teams but found this was resource hungry and some teams did not pay.
The last couple of years the league has been run with enthusiasm and efficiency. Every week the netball has flowed nicely with no noticeable problems.
Committee - THANK YOU :-)